Irwin Rosenstein, husband and co-founder with Carol of Music Mends Minds has passed.
Irwin was the comedic half of the Rosenstein duo. Constantly tossing one liners off-handedly until the very end. Somehow through the fog of dementia and late stage Parkinson’s, Irwin was able to maintain the occasional sarcasm that he was known for.
The one-liner that sticks in my mind was when we were filming The 5th Dementia documentary one day at the church. I told Irwin how handsome he looked in all black. His response was that…”Black is very slimming”.
The road from diagnosis to now (about 5 years) was long but not always sad. Carol had been able to keep him at home with the help of his wonderful care-takers, Narcisso and Dorothy, all the while, keeping Music Mends Minds up and running through the pandemic. Irwin was able to play the piano almost until the very end, proving once again that the music cells in the mind are not completely erased with neurodegenerative disease.
Irwin’s legacy will continue through Carol and Music Mends Minds, the musical group they co-founded for those living with the neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s.
Please join them every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1-2:00 pm on Zoom (Go to for link and more details.)
RIP Irwin. You were a prince among men.